Reese Street Row Houses
HO Kit #5903 (3 houses) $ 33.00
This kit is based on a group of houses which can still be seen today on Reese Street in Silverton, CO. Constructed in the early 1900’s, they are typical of the modest tract houses built to accommodate workers in mining areas throughout the West. Similar houses dotted the streets of mining towns in California, Nevada, Arizona, Colorado and Utah. As time went on, the houses were added onto and expanded to fit the needs of their residents.
We have provided components for constructing three complete houses, including their lean-to’s and outhouses. To give your buildings an individual look, you can choose from four different gable trims and two different front walls. The lean-to’s, which can be made in two different sizes, may be used on the back or side of the buildings. This kit is great fun if you are a kit-basher. The basic house (without the lean-to) measures 2.25″ x 3.40″. Although there are many different ways to arrange the components, the three houses, built as designed, will fit on a 10″ x 10″ footprint (not including the outhouses). |

No Problem Joe’s
HO Kit #5906 $29.00
In the town of Aspen, CO there once lived a very old man. He was known locally as “No Problem Joe”. Joe was a local fix-it man who was often called upon by the ski-lift folks to correct the seasonal crises which threatened their business. No matter what the situation was, he managed to come up with a solution…after assuring the person in distress that there was “no problem”. This model is based on Joe’s house. It is still around, although in pretty bad shape, with a couple of signs posted on the front door: “For Sale” and “No Trespassing”. We figure Joe must have moved on. Last time we checked, the asking price was rumored to be $1,300,000.00.
Our version of No Problem Joe’s includes styrene components to make the main house with its front porch plus Joe’s coal shed and outhouse. As presented, the models will fit on a 7″ x 3.6″ footprint. With a bit of imagination, variations on painting and weathering techniques and a few extra detail parts from our HO line, you kit-bashers can give Joe’s place a number of different looks. |
The Gomez Store
HO Kit #5909 $38.00
This kit is based on Ruben G. Gomez’ General Merchandise store in Pagosa Junction, near the borders of Colorado and New Mexico. Constructed in 1910, it is typical of many small general stores built to accommodate travelers throughout the West. Similar structures can be found along many of the early highways in California, Nevada, Arizona, Colorado an Utah.
We have provided components for constructing the complete store as it existed in the 2000, including the boardwalk and gas pump. We have shortened the building by 25 feet to adapt to typical model railroading needs. The front boasts clapboard siding, and the sides have sheet-metal siding embossed with a brick pattern. The roof is corrugated iron. To give your building an individual look, you can use the pre-printed “RUBEN G. GOMEZ” sign, or letter your own–using the blank we have provided. A sheet of printed signs is also included. The building will fit on a 5.6″ x 7.25″ footprint |
Second Class Saloon
HO Kit #5900
In 1882, Wyatt Earp left Tombstone, Arizona to move west and operate several saloons. Among the towns in which he set up these saloons were San Diego in California, Tonopah in Nevada and Nome in Alaska. The Second Class Saloon was the name of his establishment in Nome. Built in the common boomtown style of row buildings, this saloon is unique for its unusual false front and the colorful signage. Our kit represents the building as it might have looked as a freestanding building. Included with the kit is window material, printed signage and window interiors. The kit fits in a 3.5″ x 4.75″ footprint and is easy to assemble. |
Valley Feed & Seed
HO Kit #5911 $32.00
Our feed store is typical of many structures found in agricultural communities throughout the US from the 1920’s to present times. Our proto-type is a feed store located in Salina, Utah–adjacent to the D&RG tracks. The footprint for the building is 3″ x 5″ and we supply the boardwalk out front as well as a scale platform for one side. The kit is full of great details, including plenty of feed sacks and great signs. |
The East Terrible Mill and Mining Company
HO Kit #5901 $36.00
The East Terrible is a 10-stamp mill complex, proto-typical of many built in the 1890’s–not only in the West, but also throughout the world. Our kit contains enough parts including windows and doors, for one stamp-mill building, one lean-to and two auxiliary buildings. The different building components can be set together in several configurations, making the kit adaptable to your layout needs. By combining two kits, the mill buildings can be connected, representing a 20-stamp mill. The mill as shown in our photo sits on a 10″ x 10″ footprint. We add plenty of detailing parts to make your model complete–including the cribbing, trestle, track and ore car. |
The Wentamuck Mine
HO Kit #5902 $33.00
Our Wentamuck Mine is based on the many small gold and silver mines which sprang up in the Rockies and the Sierra anywhere from the 1870’s to the 1950’s. These were typically two or three-man operations. The older mines usually included a steam hoist which raised and lowered the ore bucket inside the shaft and the ore cars were “man” powered. The kit contains the following: a hoist house with a lean-to coal bin, an outhouse, a head frame with a sheave and ore bucket, mine collar with a ventilator shaft and diversion chute, mine track and a mine car, steel barrels and cribbing. Windows and doors for the hoist house are separately molded for ease in glazing and painting. Although there are many different ways to arrange the components of our mine, it will fit in a 5″ x 9″ footprint. |
Silverton Ore Chute
HO Kit #5904 $28.00
Cliff first saw the proto-type for this kit in Silverton in 1951 on his first trip on the Durango-Silverton train. (In those days, it was a mixed train with both freight and passenger cars and the train crew served coffee to the passengers! He saw it again in 1956 and thought it was worth photographing and measuring for some future project. The ore chute was situated on the south side of town, next to the railroad tracks–about 500 feet south of the station. It sat by itself out in the open and was quite noticeable. Easy to assemble, this kit includes the ore chute structure as well as cribbing sections and can be configured to fit your layout. Although the original structure did not have the stairs, we added them to give more character to the model. We include enough stair and railing components so that you can arrange theme to suit your needs. There are diagonally sheathed double doors on the back-side of the chute. The footprint of the structure as shown (including the stairs) measures 2″ deep x 4″ wide. |
Raised Platform Warehouse
HO Kit #5908 $31.00
This kit is typical of many corrugated iron structures found throughout the US on industrial sites from the 1920’s to present times. Our prototype is an elevated Conoco/Texaco facility in Placerville, CA. If desired, the risers for the building can be omitted, so that you can place the structure directly on the ground. The footprint for this building is 4-3/4″ x 6-1/4″. |
Standard Section Tool House
HO Kit #5905 $6.99
According to the 1942 edition of the Railway Engineering and Maintenance Cyclopedia, “the building most common to all railroads is the small section tool house.” The proto-type for our tool shed is one located at Pando, CO on the D&RGW line. It is typical of the D&RGW’s standard tool shed–a rigid frame, pre-fabricated galvanized steel structure. This type of shed was commonly placed at each section, throughout both the standard and narrow gauge systems. The sheds began to appear around 1940 and can still be seen today on the D&RGW as well as on other lines. Our sheds can be modeled with the doors open or closed. Foot-print for HO version is 2-1/4″ x 1-3/4″. |
Contemporary Relay Houses
HO Kit #55910 Set of 2 Styles/$6.99
Our standard Relay House is typical of those sighted along railroad right of ways throughout the United Statesfrom the 1940’s to present times. These little buildings were made of 12 gauge steel and were used to house electrical equipment to operate signals, crossing gates, and CTC systems. Many of them had two compartments, with a door opening to each section. We have chosen to model two popular sizes: 6’ x 6’ and 6’ x 8’. With a bit of kit-bashing, other sizes can be created using these parts. The units were commonly placed on concrete piers, cement foundation, or sometimes directly on the ground. |
Outbuildings: Tool or Coal Shed and Outhouse
HO Kit #5912 1 set/$6.50
These outbuildings will add that “something extra”. They are part of our “No Problem Joe’s” kit, but we’ve decided to offer them on their own, as well. Can be modeled with doors open or closed….your choice. Includes short length of random-board fencing. |
Utility Building
HO Kit #5914 $7.95
This little building is suitable for many applications in your layout. Footprint of the building is 1.15″ (w) x 1.4″ (d). Height of the building is 1.6″. The kit includes the barrels shown in the photo. Doors and windows are cast separately fo ease of painting. |