Foreign Customers Info

Foreign Customers Info

Available shipping options are USPS First Class International and USPS Priority Mail International.  (Note:  The Priority option is the faster of the two.)  Please specify which method of shipment you prefer.  You may contact us for approximate charges.

We  accept MasterCardVisa, American Express and Discover.
If delays occur or if you find that a shipment does not arrive in a reasonable time, please contact us at (925) 671-0143 Monday through Friday between the hours of 9 AM and 4 PM. Our FAX number is (925) 671-0806. Our e-mail address is

We encourage you to use your local retailer or distributor, but if they cannot serve you, please order direct.

Returned merchandise is subject to a restocking fee of 15% of net.

If you have damaged or defective parts, please call us.   Upon return of the merchandise to us, we will be happy to replace them.